How do I find out more about landscaping products, colors and sizes?

We invite you to visit the products section of our website. Select a product randomly or filter the results at the top of the page and read about it.

You will have access to the specifications of each landscaping product by scrolling down the page. If you have any additional questions, we invite you to contact us!

Where can I buy Patio Drummond products?

For landscaping products, please visit the Where to Buy section of our website!
For all other products ( outdoor furniture, precast concrete and agricultural), please contact us at [email protected]!

What are the benefits of using concrete products?

Concrete products bring a lot of flexibility to a landscaping project. They are ready to be installed as soon as you take possession of them and are designed to withstand the freezing and/or thawing periods typical of the harsh Canadian climate.

Patio Drummond offers a wide range of products in four distinct categories:

FIREPLACES : How to assemble your fireplaces?

The assembly of our fireplaces is SUPER simple and most of them take only a few minutes to assemble (well, let’s say less than an hour TOP!)

Our fireplaces :

FIREPLACES : What is the difference between the black painted steel fireguard and the stainless fireguard?

Besides the price, the difference is that the stainless steel fire guard will not rust. Black painted steel, over time, may require more maintenance! That’s why we recommend, when possible, storing your fire guard indoors or covering it with a tarp for the winter!

FIREPLACES : The fireguards don't have handles, is it normal?

This is perfectly normal.

While many find this inconvenient, we believe it is safer this way. If there were handles on the fire guard, many would be tempted to use them to open the fire guard to add wood to the fireplace. We recommend that you use a commercial poker to open both sides of the fire guard. Simply insert the tip of the poker into one of the holes in the fire guard to open it – but be careful!

FIREPLACES : Can I use other blocks than the ones you sell for fireplaces?

We do not recommend the use of products other than Moderno, Urbania, BBQ and Rustico blocks to create fireplaces. The reason is that the concrete in these specific products is designed to withstand the heat longer. In addition, our accessories, such as the fire guard, are designed for safe use of your fireplace and are not compatible with our other concrete products.

Other hardscaping products may suffer from heat shock and crack if they come into direct contact with the flame, which is why we do not recommend them for building a fireplace.

WALLS: What are the differences between a decorative wall and a retaining wall?

Decorative walls are purely aesthetic. Although they have their purpose and are functional, they remain ornamental in your landscape.

The retaining wall must, according to its name and to meet its function, support and contain the earth in front of which it is mounted. It must therefore be able to support the weight and pressure of the soil, even and especially in case of severe weather.

This type of structure requires an adequate foundation as well as an excellent drainage to avoid cracks and collapses under the pressure of water. The installation of a geotextile membrane and a perforated drain, the use of an adequate crushed stone as well as a good compaction are elements that will ensure the durability of your project.

WALLS: What is the maximum height I can raise my decorative wall and/or retaining wall to?

The maximum height is determined by the product. Please consult the product page of the wall you are interested in!

The elevation of a retaining wall varies according to different criteria: the type of material used, the type of soil, the slope of the wall, the overload elements above the wall and many other factors. Depending on your project, you may need to confirm this with an engineer to ensure that your design is safe and compliant.

RETAINING WALL: Should I seek the assistance of an engineer for the design of a retaining wall?

Yes, especially if the wall is to be more than 1.2 metres (4 feet) high. A professional engineer can provide you with information on the requirements to help you develop your retaining wall design to ensure compliance.

PATIO AND TERRACES: Which products to use?

Easy: slabs! 😍 Patio Drummond manufactures a wide selection of slabs in many colors to suit all tastes. A concrete slab patio will last for years and years without you having to maintain it. No need to sand, stain and/or paint your wood deck every 2-3 years! You will be able to enjoy your landscaping with peace of mind!

You have a raised wooden deck? Consider the Belvedere concrete structural slab!🤠

RESIDENTIAL ENTRYWAY: which products to use?

For a surface on which there will be other than pedestrian traffic (such as a vehicle), we recommend that you use a paver with a minimum thickness of 60 mm.

Even if the slab and the paver are made with the same base (concrete), the slab is often thinner and therefore less resistant to heavy loads. In other words, slabs are mostly used for patios, terraces and path stones. Pavers, on the other hand, can be used for a driveway, under a hot tub, or for areas with frequent traffic.

We invite you to browse through our product sheets:

Urbania 80mm paver

Important: the paver can be used to create a terrace without any problem. But the slab cannot be used to create a residential entrance!

SWIMMING POOL SURROUND: which products to use?

Not only will the use of Patio Drummond slabs or pavers add a lot of charm to your landscape, but it will also create a safer surface that could prevent accidental falls. Concrete products also provide a cooler surface for your feet and are more resistant to humidity than wood.

PATH STONE: which products to use?

To create garden paths, you could use slabs as well as pavers. The Ardesia 2.0 slab makes an excellent garden step!

OUTDOOR CLASSROOM: which products to use?

Patio Drummond also manufactures urban furniture for outdoor classrooms. We invite you to take a look at the Organika board and the Ergo 360 bench to create a functional, user-friendly and dynamic outdoor classroom.

Contact us for more information at [email protected].

INSTALLATION: What do I need to install my landscaping products?


We will soon have a calculator for your projects. Until then, here’s how you can calculate it all by hand. To your pencils!

  1. Multiply the dimensions of the project area to be covered (width x length = area to be covered)
  2. Multiply the dimensions of the chosen slab or paver (width x length = area covered by the product)
  3. Divide the total area to be covered by the area covered by the product = number of units to be purchased.
  4. Add 10% more units to allow for cuts or extras.

Note: Calculate with the same unit of measure. To convert from inches (”) to feet (‘), divide by 144.

Example: The Losange slab measures 18” x 18” = 324”. Divide by 144 to convert the measurement to feet = 2.25 sq. ft. If the patio you want to create is 12′ x 12’, you have 144 square feet to cover. Therefore, 144 sq. ft. divided by 2.25 sq. ft. = 64 slabs. (+ the additional 10% recommended = 70 slabs).

calcul dalle et pavé


We will soon have a calculator for your projects. Until then, here’s how you can calculate it all by hand. To your pencils!

  1. Multiply the dimensions of the project area to be covered (height x length = area to be covered)
  2. Multiply the dimensions of the chosen wall (height x length = area covered by the product)
  3. Divide the total area to be covered by the area covered by the product = number of units to be purchased.
  4. Add 10% more units to allow for cuts or extras.

Note: Calculate with the same unit of measure. To convert from inches (”) to feet (‘), divide by 144. If there is a drop, it is easier to calculate a rectangle and divide in half.

Example: The Moderno wall measures 4” x 18” = 72 sq. in. Divide by 144 to get the measurement in sq ft = 0.5 sq ft. You have an area of 72” x 395” to cover, for a total of 28,440 sq. inches / 144 = 197.5 sq. ft.

Let’s divide the total area to be covered by the number of square feet covered by a Moderno block (197.5 / 0.5 = 395 Moderno blocks for your project + 10% = 433 blocks).

If you have a drop, we recommend dividing this number by 2. You would then need 198 blocks + 10% = 218 blocks.

Calcul muret CURBS

We will soon have a calculator for your projects. Until then, here is how you can calculate it by hand. Get your pencils ready!

  1. Add the perimeter of the project to be covered in linear feet
  2. If there are cutouts or patterns, calculate each one individually to use full lengths of borders. Divide the total perimeter or cutouts to be covered by the length covered by the border = number of units to be purchased.
  3. Add 10% more units for cuts and extras.

Note: Calculate with the same unit of measure. To convert from inches to linear feet, divide by 12. Calculate each measurement individually to use full length curbs.

Example: A driveway is 20′ wide by 40′ long. You put a universal curb on the length only. The universal border is 36” (/12 = 3 linear feet). So, 40′ long divided by 3′ = 13.3 curbs. To complete the project, we need to round this number up to 14 borders per side. Since we have two sides to cover, we need to make 14 borders x 2 = 28 total borders + 10% = 31 borders.

Example #2: Let’s use the Universal border which is 36 in long knowing that the corner measures 12 x12 in.

Calcul bordure

We need to calculate per section:
(240-12) / 36 = 6.33 = 7 full borders.
(90-24) / 36 = 1.83 = 2 solid edges.
(36-24) / 36 = 0.33 = 1 solid edge.
((240-36)-12 / 36 = 5.33 = 6 full borders.
Add up the number of total borders: 7+2+1+6 = 16 borders of 36″.
Add the number of corners: 4 corners of 12 x 12 in.

INSTALLATION: How do you install your landscaping products?

We put several guides at your disposal:

We also have some installation videos that you can check out:

INSTALLATION: What do I need to install my landscaping products?

Our answer may vary depending on the product you choose. In general, you will need the following:

  • Level
  • Wooden stakes (or other)
  • Rope
  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Vibrating plate
  • Geotextile membrane (optional, but recommended)
  • Crushed stone (0-3/4)
  • Stone dust and/or sand
  • Polymeric sand
  • Brooms

Since we are not specialized in installation (we excel in manufacturing!), we recommend that you seek advice from qualified personnel before starting your project!

INSTALLATION: Can I run a vibrating plate over my tiles?

No! We do not recommend using a vibrating plate on your tiles. Do not run a vibrating plate over your tiles.

INSTALLATION: Can I cut your concrete products?

Yes! It is possible to cut our products with a concrete saw. 🪚 They are available at tool rental stores. Please ask professionals about handling the saw and be careful. 🥽

INSTALLATION: What is the purpose of the geotextile membrane?

The geotextile membrane separates two materials of different nature in order to prevent them from mixing and causing degradation of your work (such as soil and crushed stone).

The geotextile membrane allows for better filtration and drainage. It collects, channels and transports fluids, thus controlling the water content of your landscape.

Thanks to its mechanical properties, the geotextile resists stresses and limits the deformations undergone by structures, thus stabilizing and/or increasing the bearing capacity of the soil.

MAINTENANCE: Will freezing and thawing damage concrete products?

No. Frost damage is virtually non-existent! The space between the pieces of concrete (pavers, slabs or walls) allows them to move without cracking or splitting. The quality of the concrete we use also ensures increased frost resistance of each product.

New in 2022:

Our drycast products have undergone their greatest improvement to date with what is known as Hydrapel. Designed at the factory for increased quality and grading, the products are manufactured with an additive that makes them permeable and therefore more durable. Added directly to the mix of our drycast products, Hydrapel reduces the absorption rate and increases the resistance to freezing and thawing as well as to bad weather. Hydrapel protects against stains and reinforces the resistance to UV rays for a brilliant color that will last forever!

MAINTENANCE: How do you de-ice concrete in winter?

We recommend the use of fine sand and/or gravel to de-ice your concrete products in winter.

Patio Drummond prohibits the use of de-icing salt to prevent the surface of concrete slabs, pavers, balconies and stoops from chipping or crumbling. Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for damages caused by the use of de-icing salt on its products.

De-icing salts are often sold without any warning about their harmful effects on concrete slabs, pavers and balconies. Even when a package mentions “safe for concrete”, it is important to pay close attention to the warnings and conditions of application, as they are often very unrealistic.

The APCHQ strongly recommends the use of sand or fine gravel. Given the manufacturers’ restrictions on the use of de-icing salts, it is much simpler to refrain from sprinkling them on your concrete balconies, in order to prevent their surface from flaking or crumbling.

Sand and gravel do require more maintenance, but these two products are certainly a guarantee of durability for the concrete of your slabs, pavers and balconies.

MAINTENANCE: How do I protect my tiles from stains?

Our Drycast products are now made with Hydrapel, which protects them and makes them more resistant to deterioration. We may recommend the application of a sealer if your tiles are under trees and/or if the surface is used to create a space where you will cook, eat, etc.

Be aware that there are several types and colors of sealers and that a sealer could change the look of your slab (either by color or luster).

Please check with the sealant manufacturers and read the instructions for their use. Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for damages caused by the use of a sealant on its products.

MAINTENANCE: How long should I wait before cleaning and sealing my tiles and/or pavers?

Before cleaning and sealing a new concrete product, we recommend that you wait at least one (1) year so that the efflorescence has time to rise to the surface.

MAINTENANCE: Can a damaged tile or paver be replaced?

Yes, as long as you kept a few extra units during the initial installation (which is why we recommend that you buy about 10% more than the quantity planned for your project).

To replace the tile or paver, scrape off the polymer sand and, using two flathead screwdrivers, remove the product and replace it with the new one. Fill the joint with polymer sand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

MAINTENANCE: How can I prevent grass from growing between the tiles or pavers?

We recommend using polymeric sand in product joints to minimize grass growth. There is little that can be done in wet, shaded areas to prevent grass growth. If you want to solve the problem permanently, seek professional advice.

MAINTENANCE: How do I make my fireplace last?

To ensure the durability of your blocks, we recommend that you (1) add sand to the bottom of the fireplace up to the tub (except for the BBQ fireplace), (2) only make ambient fires, (3) never water your blocks in order to avoid thermal shocks and (4) never make fires in winter, for the same reason as recommendation 3. You can even cover your fireplace during the winter to keep it looking new and warm.

Our fireplaces are designed to be used as ambient fires. It’s a bad idea to use them for a bonfire, and we think a ambient fire is just as joyful 😉

RETAIL SALES: Can I go directly to Patio Drummond to purchase your landscaping products?

Patio Drummond does not sell at retail. You will find our products at our distributor merchants such as: RONA, Canac, Patrick Morin, BMR, Home Hardware and some Garden Centers. 🤗

It is always possible to consult the Where to Buy page of our website to find distributors in your area.

Note that it is impossible for us to know the inventory of our retailers. We invite you to contact them before you visit. 🚀

As for prices, they may vary from one distributor to another! 🦕

LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION: Do you install your products?

We do not install our products. You can refer to different landscapers and/or do the installation of our products yourself #DIY! 🤠

URBAN FURNITURE INSTALLATION: Do you install your products?

Yes, Patio Drummond installs its urban furniture, prefabricated concrete and agricultural products. Please contact one of our representatives for more details: [email protected].


No. We do not install our agricultural products. We invite you to consult your distributor and/or a contractor for this type of work.

LANDSCAPE DELIVERY: Do you deliver your products?

Patio Drummond only delivers to full trucks. We therefore recommend that you deal with one of our distributors to obtain Patio Drummond products! 😏


Patio Drummond delivers its urban furniture, prefabricated concrete and agricultural products. Please contact one of our representatives for more details: [email protected]. 👋

PREFAB STEPS AND BALCONIES: do you make prefabricated steps and balconies?

First of all, thank you for thinking of Patio Drummond for the realization of your project! 😍 In order to meet the growing demand for our products, we have made the decision to no longer manufacture stoops/balconies for private orders.

We invite you to visit the following link to help you find a contractor for your project:

Or, if you are in the Quebec City, Levis, Trois-Rivieres and surrounding areas, we invite you to contact Sébastien Martineau of Cimenterie Genest who will be happy to carry out your project at 418-329-2878.

EFFLORESCENCE: White spots have appeared on my tiles, what should I do?

What you see on your tiles is called efflorescence. 👀

Efflorescence is a whitish-colored deposit that appears from time to time on the surface of concrete products. Sometimes the salts in the cement and aggregates embedded in the product are extracted by absorbed water and transported to the surface where the water evaporates and the salts settle.🧂

The occurrence of these deposits is normal and common with concrete and other masonry products composed of cement. Usually, the efflorescence stops developing within 3 to 24 months of the product’s manufacture. Note that the salt will disappear with time.⏳ Concrete follows a natural process that is not harmful to Patio Drummond products. This process is not a manufacturing defect. Patio Drummond suggests cleaning up efflorescence one (1) year after the concrete product is installed. The efflorescence can be cleaned with an efflorescence cleaner sold in material stores. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. 💯 Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for this natural phenomenon inherent to concrete products and for its cleaning.

DE-ICING SALT: Can I use de-icing salt on your products?

No. It is to be PROHIBITED!

Patio Drummond prohibits the use of de-icing salt to prevent the surface of concrete slabs, pavers, balconies and stoops from flaking or crumbling. Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for damages caused by the use of de-icing salt on its products.

De-icing salts are often sold without any warning about their harmful effects on concrete slabs, pavers and balconies. Even when a package mentions “safe for concrete”, it is important to pay close attention to the warnings and conditions of application, as they are often very unrealistic.

The APCHQ strongly recommends the use of sand or fine gravel. Given the manufacturers’ restrictions on the use of de-icing salts, it is much simpler to refrain from sprinkling them on your concrete balconies, in order to prevent their surface from flaking or crumbling.

Sand and gravel do require more maintenance, but these two products are certainly a guarantee of durability for the concrete of your slabs, pavers and balconies.

CLAIMS: My products are damaged, what should I do?

For landscaping products purchased at hardware stores, please contact the retailer from whom you purchased your products directly. The retailer will then contact us to open a claim file – if applicable.

WARRANTY: Does Patio Drummond offer a warranty on its landscaping products?

Patio Drummond offers a replacement warranty for manufacturing defects on our products, valid for one (1) year following the date of purchase. Installation costs are at the consumer’s expense.

What is the Belvedere slab?

The Belvedere slab is a structural slab that is installed directly on the joists of an existing deck. It is reinforced with a fiberglass frame for added strength! To learn more, we invite you to visit the Belvedere slab web page. You’ll have access to frequently asked questions, videos and installation guides! 😍

What is Hydrapel?

Our drycast products have undergone their greatest improvement to date with what is known as Hydrapel.

Designed at the factory for increased quality and grading, the products are manufactured with an additive that makes them permeable and therefore more durable. Added directly to the mix of our drycast products, Hydrapel reduces the absorption rate and increases the resistance to freezing and thawing as well as to bad weather. Hydrapel protects against stains and reinforces the resistance to UV rays for a brilliant color that will last forever!