Differences between decorative walls and retaining concrete walls

Understanding differences between decorative and retaining concrete walls

A retaining wall can be decorative, but a decorative wall cannot be a retaining wall. Here's why! ⬇️ When it comes to landscaping a garden…

Patio Drummond leads the way in the concrete industry!

Sustainable innovations: The Patio Drummond team is proud to announce the official launch of its VER+CO line of eco-friendly concrete.  The…

Banc Ergo | Patio Drummond | Béton préfabriqué écologique

Towards sustainable concrete: Our ecological commitment in the precast concrete industry

Eco-Friendly Precast Concrete: Our Eco-Responsible Commitment. In the construction industry, concrete is often criticized for its…

Blocs de béton carbonegatif | Patio Drummond | CarbiCrete

Patio Drummond to Double Production of CarbiCrete Cement-Free Concrete Blocks

CarbiCrete's carbon-negative process for making concrete avoids emissions while removing carbon from the atmosphere.    Montréal,…

Bloc de construction en béton sans ciment et carbone négatif - carbon-negative block

World premiere: a carbon-negative building block

Patio Drummond and CarbriCrete announce that the world's first cement-free, carbon-negative concrete building block is available for…

Comité organisateur soirée bénéfice Patio Drummond

CPSC receives $30,000 – Les Petits Bonheurs

On August 19th, Patio Drummond was the stage for a memorable evening where music, original costumes, and generosity came together for an…

Maxi-Base or Deck Block? To each his own!

We help you understand better When it comes to starting work on a new patio or terrace, various methods and options are available to…

Le béton pour l'aménagement paysager

Concrete for landscaping in 2023: it’s on trend!

Why choose concrete for your backyard landscaping? Durability and versatility. These are the two key arguments to remember when talking…

The story of a concrete product

The common man might think that talking about concrete isn't very interesting. Let us convince you otherwise (not that you're part of the…

The biggest concrete project EVER

It's been a busy year for Patio Drummond! We celebrated our 50th anniversary, moved, demolished our administrative center and part of our…

Precast concrete balconies – Pomerleau

In recent weeks, Patio Drummond has delivered a total of 10,500 square feet of precast concrete balconies (21 different types of balconies)…

Martins Industries: Interior straicase

Here's a beautiful interior staircase project for a private company in the tire industry. Once again, our precast concrete stair treads fit…

Precast concrete outdoor furniture

Precast concrete outdoor furniture

Patio Drummond is proud to participate in the creation of relaxing spaces for public parks and schools. In this photo, you can see our…

Precast concrete interior staircases

Precast concrete interior staircases – Cowansville Library

Precast concrete interior staircases Here's one of our new projects for the Cowansville Library - Phase 1. Made-to-measure prefabricated…

Precast concrete interior stairs

Precast concrete interior stairs: Construction Blenda

Precast concrete interior stairs There's currently a strong demand for prefabricated concrete interior staircases laid on steel……

TMS - Le Vivo: Precast concrete balconies

TMS – Le Vivo: Precast concrete balconies

Le Vivo: Precast concrete balconies Patio Drummond, in collaboration with TMS structure, has just completed a project of rental condos…

Entreprises Lachance

Entreprises Lachance : precast concrete stoops

Precast concrete stoops  Patio Drummond is proud to install precast concrete stoops locally. In fact, all Entreprises Lachance townhouses…

95 precast concrete balconies

Rejean Roy: 95 precast concrete balconies

Rejean Roy Patio Drummond is proud to have contributed to the creation of Complexe du Carrefour in Saint-Jean sur Richelieu. With the…

kyo habitation X Patio Drummond

Kyo Habitation: Custom precast concrete project

Kyo Habitation Here's a precast concrete slab project installed behind a residence by contractor Kyo habitation. This custom precast…

CPCI certified

Patio Drummond is CPCI certified

CPCI certified Patio Drummond is proud to have obtained its CPCI / CSA certification from the Canadian Precast and Prestressed Concrete…

Precast concrete stoop

Precast concrete porch: SAX townhouse project

Precast concrete porch Precast concrete porch is a niche in which Patio Drummond excels. We are very proud to have contributed, in 2016, to…

Precast balconies slabs – District Concorde Laval

We are proud to supply all of the precast concrete slabs for balconies on this condo projet: District Concorde Laval. Visit the website for…