Econo slab

SKU: 00000-8 Category:

The concrete slabs that let you save on all fronts! The clean look of the 12×12 Econo slab adds some style to your landscape design in no time at all.


Dimension in : 1.8 x 11.9 x 11.9 mm : 46 x 302 x 302
Area 139.68 in² 3548 mm²
Weight 22.1 lbs
MPa 50
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Econo slab

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Dans ce résultat, un % de produits supplémentaires a été prévu pour couvrir les pertes et les coupes.

Dans cette estimation nous prévoyons:
10% pour les projets de 0 à 1000 pi2
7% pour les projets de 1001 à 3000 pi2
5% pour les projets de 3000 pi2 et plus.


Notez que ce calcul est accessible uniquement à titre informatif. Utilisez les résultats comme des estimations et non comme des recommandations définitives. Patio Drummond ne peut garantir la qualité des résultats obtenus.

An affordable touch of elegance, thanks to Econo concrete slabs

Are you a Sunday do-it-yourselfer with great ambitions? The Econo concrete patio stones are perfect for easily and quickly finishing a professional-looking project. Designed specifically for landscaping and pedestrian traffic, this concrete tile can be mixed and matched with any style. In no time at all you'll create a terrace, a pathway, or a pool surround that is modern yet timeless, and the envy of your neighbours. Thanks to the Econo concrete slab's rough, authentic finish, minimalist style will blend beautifully into your yard!


These entry-level concrete slabs add no-compromise style and personality to your yard!

Drycast with Hydrapel

Thanks to their water-repellent finish, these concrete patio tiles are made to last.

Pedestrian traffic

Econo concrete patio stones are perfectly suited for many feet of all-ages!

Easy and quick installation

Refined in every way, these concrete slabs are every do-it-yourselfer’s friend.

Our innovative

Admixture that is incorporated directly into the mix of all our drycast products. With Hydrapel, concrete absorbs less water, which increases its resistance to freezing and thawing.Hydrapel protects the products from stains and reinforces the resistance to UV rays, for a vibrant and long-lasting color.

See more Hydrapel products

Our installation tips

Using Patio Drummond’s Econo slab

Forget costly and complicated tools! Econo concrete patio stones don’t require much to achieve professional results. Dreamt of a new terrace for a long time? Now’s the time to make it a reality! The Econo 12×12 slab is equally perfect for patios, pool surrounds, spa surrounds, and walkways.

Installation patterns

Frequently asked questions

How can I prevent grass from growing between the tiles or pavers?

We recommend using polymeric sand in product joints to minimize grass growth. There is little that can be done in wet, shaded areas to prevent grass growth. If you want to solve the problem permanently, seek professional advice.

Can a damaged tile or paver be replaced?

Yes, as long as you kept a few extra units during the initial installation (which is why we recommend that you buy about 10% more than the quantity planned for your project). To replace the tile or paver, scrape off the polymer sand and, using two flathead screwdrivers, remove the product and replace it with the new one. Fill the joint with polymer sand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

How long should I wait before cleaning and sealing my tiles and/or pavers?

Before cleaning and sealing a new concrete product, we recommend that you wait at least one (1) year so that the efflorescence has time to rise to the surface.

How do I protect my tiles from stains?

Our Drycast products are now made with Hydrapel, which protects them and makes them more resistant to deterioration. We may recommend the application of a sealer if your tiles are under trees and/or if the surface is used to create a space where you will cook, eat, etc. Be aware that there are several types and colors of sealers and that a sealer could change the look of your slab (either by color or luster). Please check with the sealant manufacturers and read the instructions for their use. Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for damages caused by the use of a sealant on its products.

How do you de-ice concrete in winter?

We recommend the use of fine sand and/or gravel to de-ice your concrete products in winter. Patio Drummond prohibits the use of de-icing salt to prevent the surface of concrete slabs, pavers, balconies and stoops from chipping or crumbling. Patio Drummond declines all responsibility for damages caused by the use of de-icing salt on its products. De-icing salts are often sold without any warning about their harmful effects on concrete slabs, pavers and balconies. Even when a package mentions “safe for concrete”, it is important to pay close attention to the warnings and conditions of application, as they are often very unrealistic. The APCHQ strongly recommends the use of sand or fine gravel. Given the manufacturers’ restrictions on the use of de-icing salts, it is much simpler to refrain from sprinkling them on your concrete balconies, in order to prevent their surface from flaking or crumbling. Sand and gravel do require more maintenance, but these two products are certainly a guarantee of durability for the concrete of your slabs, pavers and balconies.

Will freezing and thawing damage concrete products?

No. Frost damage is virtually non-existent! The space between the pieces of concrete (pavers, slabs or walls) allows them to move without cracking or splitting. The quality of the concrete we use also ensures increased frost resistance of each product. New in 2022: Our drycast products have undergone their greatest improvement to date with what is known as Hydrapel. Designed at the factory for increased quality and grading, the products are manufactured with an additive that makes them permeable and therefore more durable. Added directly to the mix of our drycast products, Hydrapel reduces the absorption rate and increases the resistance to freezing and thawing as well as to bad weather. Hydrapel protects against stains and reinforces the resistance to UV rays for a brilliant color that will last forever!
See all questions

Patio Drummond Quality

Concrete products provide a lot of flexibility in a landscape design project. They’re ready to install the minute you take delivery of them. Our concrete is designed to withstand the harsh Canadian climate’s typical freeze/thaw cycles.


If your product is damaged, please contact the dealer you purchased your products from, directly. Patio Drummond provides a replacement warranty against manufacturing defects in its products, valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase.

No more secrets, here are all our specifications:

Dimensions 12 x 12 12 x 12
Spécifications unitaires Hauteur (mm) 45.7 45.7
Largeur (mm) 302.3 302.3
Profondeur (mm) 302.3 302.3
Hauteur (po) 1.8 1.8
Largeur (po) 11.9 11.9
Profondeur (po) 11.9 11.9
Couverture unitaire (pi²) 1.0 1.0
Poids (lb) 22.0 22.0
Poids (kg) 10.0 10.0
Spécifications par palette Couverture par rang (pi²) 8.73 8.73
Couverture par palette (pi²) 122.22 122.22
Nombres d’unités 126.0 126.0
Poids (lb) 2,787 2,787
Poids (kg) 1,264.3 1,264.3
Cubage Quantité / rang 9.0 9.0
Nombre de rang 14.0 14.0
Dimension de la palette (po) 40 x 36 40 x 36

Ready to build your dream deck?

Our concrete slabs are available at your favorite dealer. Their team is specially trained by Patio Drummond to help you select and install the patio tile that best suits your project.


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