Foundation block

SKU: 00000-45 Category:

Use the foundation block to stabilize a cabin, small building, privacy screen, umbrella, children’s play module, or create a stable platform for stairs. Photo @Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press



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Dans ce résultat, un % de produits supplémentaires a été prévu pour couvrir les pertes et les coupes.

Dans cette estimation nous prévoyons:
10% pour les projets de 0 à 1000 pi2
7% pour les projets de 1001 à 3000 pi2
5% pour les projets de 3000 pi2 et plus.


Notez que ce calcul est accessible uniquement à titre informatif. Utilisez les résultats comme des estimations et non comme des recommandations définitives. Patio Drummond ne peut garantir la qualité des résultats obtenus.


Fast and efficient

The foundation block allows you to stabilize your landscaping quickly and cost-effectively. For the best possible performance, make sure to properly prepare the ground on which the foundation block will be installed.

Photo @Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

A versatile foundation block

Patio Drummond’s cottage pad can secure a cabin, shed, small building, parasol, privacy screen, children’s play module, stairs, and much more!

Photo @Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

Ready to use

You won’t need to pour and/or mix your own concrete. It’s a round trip to the hardware store and an installation that will be hassle-free, plus it will give a sleek look to your project (no poured concrete spillage leaving marks!)

Photo @Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

Direct contact with the ground

Foundation blocks can be installed directly on the ground to support your foundations. Our advice: Make sure to compact the soil well before installing your foundation block.

Photo @Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

Our innovative

Admixture that is incorporated directly into the mix of all our drycast products. With Hydrapel, concrete absorbs less water, which increases its resistance to freezing and thawing.Hydrapel protects the products from stains and reinforces the resistance to UV rays, for a vibrant and long-lasting color.

See more Hydrapel products

Our installation tips

How to use Patio Drummond’s Foundation Block

We recommend seeking assistance from another person for the installation of the foundation block. Since it weighs over 120 lb, it is advisable to work together to lift and position the block properly. We also recommend using a soil compactor to prepare the installation surface thoroughly. It’s what makes all the difference to the durability and safety of your landscaping.

Have you considered our Belvedere slab for your deck? Take a look here!


Spec sheet

Patio Drummond Quality

Concrete products provide a lot of flexibility in a landscape design project. They’re ready to install the minute you take delivery of them. Our concrete is designed to withstand the harsh Canadian climate’s typical freeze/thaw cycles.


If your product is damaged, please contact the dealer you purchased your products from, directly. Patio Drummond provides a replacement warranty against manufacturing defects in its products, valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase.

No more secrets, here are all our specifications:

Dimensions 4 x 20 x 20
Spécifications unitaires Hauteur (mm) 99.1
Largeur (mm) 500.4
Profondeur (mm) 500.4
Hauteur (po) 3.9
Largeur (po) 19.7
Profondeur (po) 19.7
Couverture unitaire (pi²) 2.7
Poids (lb) 122.1
Poids (kg) 55.4
Spécifications par palette Couverture par rang (pi²) 10.76
Couverture par palette (pi²) 64.56
Nombres d’unités 24.0
Poids (lb) 2,929
Poids (kg) 1,328.6
Cubage Quantité / rang 4.0
Nombre de rang 6.0
Dimension de la palette (po) 40 x 40


Load calculated using a mix of sand and gravel foundation with a standard compaction. For reference only: The maximum load capacity can vary based on the type of foundation and soil used. See a professional to validate exact maximum load capacity for your project.

Need support for the posts in the gallery?

Patio Drummond’s precast concrete foundation block is available at a hardware dealer near you. Don’t hesitate to ask them for advice! Their team has been trained by Patio Drummond to answer your questions.


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