Our products are designed to be used together. Whether it’s benches, planters or waste garbage cans, we’ve got the solution to meet your needs!
2,340,00$ – 8,960,00$ Installation and transport not included
Assemble components like blocks: it's easy!
The Patio team has created urban furniture that fits together. In our collection, you'll find concrete products that look alike and fit together to create unique designs. Whether it's a bench, a planter, a litter garbage can, a swing or a bike rack, each product has a specific function.
The Modula bench
The Modula bench is the foundation of any modular layout. It sets the tone for your project. Place the Modula bench on top of a planter, Octogona bench or similar, and let your imagination run wild!

Flora flower box
The Flora or Flora XL planter will add greenery and life to your modular project. You can grow fresh flowers, plants or herbs. It’s a great way to connect different elements of urban furniture and bring people together. There’s nothing more inviting than a beautiful setting!

The Octogona bench
The Octogona bench is designed to accommodate a steel post in its center. The post, in turn, is designed to accommodate a swing, offering a refreshingly different seating solution.
Good to know
Custom concrete for large-scale projects!
We manufacture custom precast concrete products for large-scale projects. For advice on your project, please make sure you have the dimensions of the pieces, the quantity required and your project schedule.
IMPORTANT: Patio Drummond does not pour concrete on site. All our products are prefabricated in our factory, ensuring greater quality control on every project.
Ready to order?
Our team can help you with your landscaping project, no matter how big or small. Patio Drummond even delivers and installs its prefabricated concrete rest areas throughout Quebec.