Guard rail

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Patio Drummond’s precast concrete guardrails are protective devices that can be used to delimit or protect a space by attenuating impacts.

415,00$1,055,00$ Transport costs not included

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It is therefore currently undergoing maintenance.


Dans ce résultat, un % de produits supplémentaires a été prévu pour couvrir les pertes et les coupes.

Dans cette estimation nous prévoyons:
10% pour les projets de 0 à 1000 pi2
7% pour les projets de 1001 à 3000 pi2
5% pour les projets de 3000 pi2 et plus.


Notez que ce calcul est accessible uniquement à titre informatif. Utilisez les résultats comme des estimations et non comme des recommandations définitives. Patio Drummond ne peut garantir la qualité des résultats obtenus.

Guard rails for protection

The precast concrete guardrail (Jersey) is designed to secure roads, parking lots and even events! Our jerseys are designed to be fitted together using male and female wrenches to create a long, sturdy barrier. Remember to paint the rails yellow to increase their visibility.


Precast concrete jersey is used to protect a space by attenuating possible impacts.


The concrete guardrail can be used as a dividing wall for events.


With the right equipment, you can move the rails and give them a second life.

Manufactured to MTQ standards

Our standard 13-foot guardrail is manufactured according to the latest requirements of the Ministère des Transports du Québec (DN-VIII-5-001A).

Tapered jersey with steel en cap

These guardrails are designed for use in roadworks. More durable and robust, the type of V-DC mix we use is also approved by the Ministère des Transports du Québec. The steel tip and tapered shape make Jersey tapered a safe choice for bridges and viaducts.

Our installation tips

Guard rails are a road safety device

The JERS13 guardrail is manufactured according to the latest requirements of the Ministère des Transports du Québec (DN-VIII-5-001A). It is mainly used on highways to ensure your safety.

No more secrets, here are all our specifications:

Unit specifications

Dimensions (inches) Weight
JERS10 32 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 120 3960 lb
JERS13 32 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 157 1/2 5560 lb

Ready to secure your spaces?

Order your precast concrete products today. Made directly in our factory, our concrete products are safe, durable and efficient!


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